56 Mar, Dubai: as above
Aktiva Brand Experience Design, Spain: Vanity is a design concept for fragrance that represents us on the physical, emotional and virtual planes.
Appartement103, France: ‘Saulvage’ is a design for Spirits that pays tribute to climate catastrophes with each variant featuring a piece of wood that has been scored by fires – raising awareness of the challenges humanity faces.
Black Eye Project, UK: The common phrase, ‘what’s your poison?’ is the inspiration behind this concept which draws on Victorian aesthetics and the ominous world of vintage poison bottles
Black Squid Design, Australia; The ‘Floater’, traditionally a meat-pie floating in a pea soup and eaten with a spoon, is recreated in this design concept
BULLET Inc., Japan: The city of Tokyo and its melting pot of cultures and values is the inspiration behind this Sake bottle
FLOV, Poland: Happiness, the joy of bubbles and childhood memories are evoked by Vivané, a name that combines the words “viva” meaning cheer and “né” meaning born - a design vision that calls for “praise for life”
forceMAJEURE, USA: A fragrance centered around a sustainable solution for self-expression. The result is a refill-and-spray ritual
Lonsdale, France: This concept is based on the vetiver plant and its noble heritage and sets out to challenge the fragrance industry and create a new perception of luxury
MABA, Spain: Nan Madol, an organic and unexplained vodka, tells the story of a small island in a paradisiacal enclave
Morillas, Spain: A bottle design strongly connected to the interstellar environment reflecting the future of spirits
Officina Grafica, Italy: as above
O,nice! Design Studio, Italy: For one-third of humanity clean and drinkable water is already considered a luxury. This project is a 50cl water bottle filled with everyday water yet designed in premium packaging
Partisan du Sens, France: as above
Popular Packaging GmbH, Germany: For this traditional German gin bottle the studio created an abstract version of a journey through a German front garden reflecting the fact that every gin is a journey of smells, essences and tastes
Sociedad Anónima, Mexico: The archeological expressions of Mesoamerica inspired Mesoamerican Rum. This project emphasizes the geographical and cultural origin of the product without resorting to stereotypes
SURE Brandesign, Argentina: GINTOGRAPHY (Gin + Typographic) pays homage to the first printing system, the movable type press created by Gutenberg in 1440.
ThinkBoldStudio, Portugal: Cognac Garnier evokes the golden age of the Beaux-Arts and is inspired by the luxury and opulence of Monte-Carlo Casino and Opera
Zweischneider GmbH & Co. KG, Germany: A design to reflect the changing wine industry and how climate influences are impacting cultivating. This concept makes each vintage’s DNA including number, alcohol content and approval tangible to the consumer.