Reduction in the Use of Materials

Reduction in the Use of Materials

Avery Dennison > Products > Sustainable Solutions > Reduction in the Use of Materials

Using Only What is Necessary

We are committed to reducing materials in the manufacturing of our products wherever possible without compromising performance and quality. We prove that less is more.

Reduce Waste and Material Use with Avery Dennison's Direct-Thermal Linerless Solution

AD XeroLinr DT™ offers an efficient, high-performing, sustainable alternative for variable information (VI) printing. With an excellent resolution for barcode scanning and readability, AD XeroLinr DT™ can be used for a variety of applications, including quick service restaurants, weigh scale, and e-commerce.

Linerless Direct Thermal Portfolio

ThinkThin Portfolio


ThinkThin Film Portfolio (ANZ)

ThinkThin Paper Portfolio (ANZ)

ThinkThin Thermal Portfolio (ANZ)


ThinkThin Film Portfolio (ASEAN)

ThinkThin Paper Portfolio (ASEAN)

ThinkThin Thermal Portfolio (ASEAN)

South Asia

ThinkThin Portfolio (South Asia)

Sub - Saharan Africa

ThinkThin Film Portfolio (Sub-Saharan Africa)

ThinkThin Paper Portfolio (Sub-Saharan Africa)

ThinkThin Thermal Portfolio (Sub-Saharan Africa)
